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Dec 20, 2010

Noel by Rose Lerma


Title: Noel
Author: Rose Lerma
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Publisher: Champagne Books
Genre: Contemporary/Holiday/Sweet/Romance
Length: 69 pgs.

About The Book:
Olivia Sawyer manages to get through the holiday rituals only by gritting her teeth.  By the time Christmas is over, she's had enough.  Enough of her family's ingratitude, their total lack of a Christmas spirit.  Desperate times demand desperate actions.
Not in her wildest nightmare did she think her campaign to open their eyes and change their attitudes would take a whole year.  But even as the next Christmas draws near, it appears that nothing has changed.

And then fate intervenes, and it's too late for changes.
The Review:
I wasn't sure I was going to like this story. I thought it was going to be another tame, "sweet" romance but when I began to read, I thought surely this author has been spying on my family Christmas's! In only sixty-nine pages, author Rose Lerma takes the reader through much more than just a story about Christmas. When you've raised your family, given them everything you can, and they only take you for granted and expect you to continue to give and give and give….
Well, you just might want smack 'em around a little bit. In Noel Olivia Sawyer is at that point with her family, from the husband who does nothing but complain to the daughter who can't get off her butt to do anything for her own children. When fate intervenes, her family gets an attitude adjustment no one could have seen coming.
This story actually brought tears to my eyes. Maybe because I'm at that point with my family and fate doesn't seem to care enough to slap anyone for me, but in any case, you will absolutely love Noel.
Pagan Elements: N/A


Disclaimer: Due to FTC regulations, any book reviewed on this site was sent for free by the author to The Pagan & The Pen. We are not paid to give reviews by Author or Publisher. Once review has been made, said books are deleted.


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