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Dec 20, 2010

Bumped by Kimber Chin


Title: Bumped
Author: Kimber Chin
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Publisher: Champagne Books
Genre: Contemporary/Holiday/Sweet Romance
Length: 31 pgs.

About The Book:  Ever since the factory in town went belly up, leaving most of the town unemployed, Joy's muffin shop is feeling the loss in more ways than one. All Joy wants to do is figure out a way to save her business without having to fire anyone, and to get home for Christmas. When a harried mother and her wailing child can't get a flight for the holidays, Joy gives up her seat, then a man who has been a regular customer for breakfast gives up his seat too. Now they'll have to share the only room left at the hotel.
Can Joy allow a little joy into her life this Christmas?

The Review: I am madly in love with Tyler Hamilton! This is the hero every woman will swoon over. We all want a pig-headed man who refuses to give up, and Tyler is definitely one who won't give up on Joy. He sweeps in and plucks her off her feet, and of course, saves the day.

There is a little more than that to the story but when you read Bumped, you will fall in love too. This is the perfectly written, perfect holiday story that will make even the biggest Scrooge melt like butter.

Bumped by Kimber Chin is now my number one all time favorite Christmas story and I'm sure it will be yours too. This is a story you will read not only at Christmas but through out the year. Don't Miss It!

Pagan Elements: N/A


Disclaimer: Due to FTC regulations, any book reviewed on this site was sent for free by the author to The Pagan & The Pen. We are not paid to give reviews by Author or Publisher. Once review has been made, said books are deleted.


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