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Dec 20, 2010

Another Fine Christmas by George Seaton


Title: Another Fine Christmas
Author: George Seaton
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Publisher: Untreed Reads
Genre: Contemporary/Holiday
Length: 11 pgs.

About The Book: What do you do when your partner is gung-ho for Christmas and you don't want to take part in the festivities? For the narrator, an escape into his writing world would bring a welcome diversion from the music and mistletoe of the season. A very unusual encounter in his dreams, however, just might restore his love for the season and allow him to view it with an entirely new perspective.

The Review: Another Fine Christmas isn't so much a story as it is a retrospective glimpse into the author's mind. One partner, Dave, goes all out for Christmas with lights, ornaments, decorations, food and music, while the other, George, would be happier if Christmas came and went without him. While Dave is content to decorate and believe in the spirit of Christmas, George gets a kind of visit from the spirit of Christmas—a beer swilling, pot smoking Santa. And Mama Cass.

What I really found touching about this story is not so much the difference in the way each partner sees the holidays but how each partner sees one another. Especially George. Even though his holiday attitude runs more along the lines of "Bah-Humbug," he's really perfectly content in the happiness Dave's fuss over the holiday brings him.

And George listens to Leonard Cohen. Need I say more?

Pagan Elements: N/A


Disclaimer: Due to FTC regulations, any book reviewed on this site was sent for free by the author to The Pagan & The Pen. We are not paid to give reviews by Author or Publisher. Once review has been made, said books are deleted.


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