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Aug 20, 2010

Tides of Maryna’s Love by Donica Covey


Title: Tides of Maryna’s Love
Author: Donica Covey
Buy Link
Publisher: Champagne Books
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
Length: 166 pgs.

Cover: 4
Presentation: 4
Editing: 3
Story: 2
Writing Ability: 2

Overall Card Rating

Reviewed by: Violet Harper

About The Book: "Single Witch Seeks Lonely Mortal" Maryna Duile has challenged her sisters to a find-the-mortal contest. She places an ad in the local paper, but when there are no immediate replies she heads for Olympus and an afternoon with her close friend Eros.
River Braddock is a marine mammal biologist and he's just discovered a new species of dolphin. What he doesn't know is that this is no ordinary dolphin, but Triton, chaperone to Maryna during her stay on earth.

Maryna's first meeting with River is anything but stellar, but the more she thinks of him, the more she needs him and the more she blunders her spells. Once she gets into the flow will she win his heart or be all washed up?

The Review: Maryna is a witch in the Samantha Stevens sense, except instead of twitching her nose she speaks Latin phrases. Tides of Maryna’s Love is a cute story with a lot of drama. At first, Maryna doesn’t care if her mortal lover ends up with a broken heart. After all, making him fall for her is part of a bet she has going with her three sisters. After she falls for River, Maryna has a change of heart, and that’s when things get complicated.

The characters were likeable, if underdeveloped. Maryna seemed a little immature for being a creature with an infinite lifespan and River didn’t seem to know whether he was coming or going. Their dialogue was at times stilted or confusing. 

It’s a sweet story about a woman who learns to find her humanity and a man who is willing to put his heart on the line to save the woman he loves. At the end of the day, it’s those kinds of things that appeal to the romantic in all of us.

Pagan Elements: Maryna is a witch, but not in the Pagan sense. She casts spells, but it’s not a spiritual act.

Disclaimer: Due to FTC regulations, any book reviewed on this site was sent for free by the author to The Pagan & The Pen. We are not paid to give reviews by Author or Publisher. Once review has been made, said books are deleted.


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