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Apr 20, 2010

Airborne by Belle Sloane


Title: Airborne Author:  Belle Sloane 
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Publisher:  Carnal Passions
Genre: Contemporary Erotica/Quickies/Fantasy
Length: 16  pages Other:  M/F
Pagan & Pagan Elements: None
Reviewed by: Russ Allen

About The Book: When Candice boards her flight to Hawaii, wrestling with her fear of flying, she doesn’t count on finding a hot mystery man sitting in her seat. He guarantees her he can make her flight worry free with his mouth-watering distractions. Much to her delight, he more than proves himself a man of his word. 

The Review: This brief story is an enjoyable read that adequately conveys the episode it seeks to describe: an in-flight anonymous sexual encounter between Candice and Mark.

There are, however, a few weaknesses. The author does not acknowledge the realities of contemporary airplane security and ignores the fact that a couple would not be allowed to do what they are described as doing during take-off. It is doubtful that the cabin crew would be so oblivious, especially when she yells out during her bathroom orgasm.
Given Candice’s dislike of flying, and even more, her reluctance to interact with people, one wonders why she would so willingly accept the advances of her seatmate Mark. At two points his language is sexually coarse, which does not fit the overall impression of perfection given of him. 

The ending, when they both discover they are going to the same family wedding and staying at the same hotel, leaves uncertain whether their excitement is over the prospect of a developing love relationship, or having more great sex.

What I enjoyed most in this story was its ability to communicate a fantasy sexual encounter, culminating in wonderful sexual intercourse. I could even imagine Candice waking up upon landing and realizing it was all a dream. The problem is in its reality: Is it everywoman’s dream to have anonymous sex in a tiny bathroom flying 30,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean?

Pagan Elements: There are no pagan elements.

Cover (Rated 1-10): 6 – the cover effectively reflects the fantasy tone of the story and its romantic element, though not its sexual.  However, the man and woman portrayed on the cover are too young to fit the actual characters in the book.  I might be curious about the story based on the cover.


Disclaimer: Due to FTC regulations, any book reviewed on this site was sent for free by the author to The Pagan & the Pen. We are not paid to give reviews by Author or Publisher. Once review has been made, said books are deleted.


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